How Long Does an Invisalign Treatment Last?

07 February 2023


Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment option that uses clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth. It is an alternative to traditional metal braces and is often preferred by patients because of its comfort and discreet appearance. However, many people are curious about how long Invisalign treatments take to complete and what they can expect from the process.

In this article, we will explore the duration of Invisalign treatments, the factors that can impact the length of time, and what you can expect during the process.

How Long Does an Invisalign Treatment Typically Last?

The length of an Invisalign treatment can vary, but on average, it takes about 12 to 18 months to complete. However, the length of treatment can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the severity of the misalignment, the complexity of the case, and the patient’s compliance with wearing the aligners.

Factors That Can Impact the Length of an Invisalign Treatment

  • Severity of Misalignment: The more severe the misalignment, the longer the treatment will typically take.
  • Complexity of the Case: Some cases may require more complicated movements to correct the misalignment, which can increase the length of treatment.
  • Patient Compliance: Wearing the aligners as directed is crucial to the success of the treatment. If a patient does not wear the aligners for the recommended 20 to 22 hours per day, the treatment will take longer.

What Can You Expect During an Invisalign Treatment?

  • Consultation: The first step in an Invisalign treatment is a consultation with our dental professional at Spires Oral & Dermal Care who specialise in Invisalign. During this appointment, we will examine your teeth, discuss your goals, and determine if Invisalign is a good fit for your needs.
  • Impressions: If Invisalign is determined to be the best option, unlike many other clinicians, we do not take the impression of your teeth and instead we will scan them using an Itero scanner to create a tailored treatment plan.
  • Treatment Plan: Then, our clinician with the help of computer technology will create a treatment plan according to your overall dental health, function and cosmetic appearance.
  • Aligners: Next, our clinicians will carry out interproximal reduction (IPR), add attachments, give you your first set of aligners and show you how to wear and care for them.
  • Regular Visits: We will then schedule visits every six to eight weeks to provide you with new sets of aligners and monitor your progress.

Maintenance and Aftercare

After the treatment is complete, it is important to continue wearing a retainer as directed to maintain the results. Regular dental cleanings and exams will also help maintain the health of your teeth and gums.


Is Invisalign painful?

Invisalign aligners are made of a smooth, clear plastic material that is designed to be comfortable to wear. Most people do not experience significant discomfort during treatment, but some may experience minor soreness during the first few days of wearing each new set of aligners.

Can I eat with Invisalign aligners in place?

No, Invisalign aligners must be removed before eating or drinking anything other than water. This is because certain foods and drinks can stain or damage the aligners.

Can I brush and floss normally with Invisalign aligners in place?

Yes, you can brush and floss normally with Invisalign aligners in place. It is important to clean your teeth and aligners regularly to maintain good oral hygiene.

How often do I need to change my Invisalign aligners?

Invisalign aligners are typically changed every two weeks, as directed by your orthodontist or dental professional.

Can I still play sports with Invisalign aligners?

Yes, you can still play sports with Invisalign aligners in place, but it is recommended to wear a mouthguard to protect the aligners and your teeth.


Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment option that uses clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth. The length of treatment can vary, but on average it takes about 12 to 18 months to complete. The length of treatment can be influenced by the severity of the misalignment, the complexity of the case, and the patient’s compliance with wearing the aligners.

With proper care and maintenance, Invisalign can result in a straighter, more attractive smile that can boost a person’s confidence and improve their overall oral health. If you’re considering Invisalign, it’s important to speak with an experienced orthodontist or dental professional who can evaluate your needs and determine if this treatment is right for you. Us at Spires Oral & Dermal Care can help you decide, contact us today for your consultation visit.

